I have a suggestion. I suggest that we start getting more comfortable with being in discomfort. All too often, as soon as we feel uncomfortable in a situation or discomfited by a thought or suggestion our solution is to …. stop. Stop being there, stop talking about it, or stop thinking it. The only thing we’re stopping is ourselves.
We have too much to do, we think. We don’t have enough time, we say. If I don’t like it I shouldn’t have to do it, we believe. But the gift of being uncomfortable is in the uncovering of the truth beneath the surface; the unveiling of something that we have set aside or pretended to have forgotten, and our chance to embrace it.
Our practices - all practices - that invite a mindfulness or ask us to remain present in a moment are an invitation to these revelations. Admittedly, these practices are not going to be easy. They are going to demand our patience, our fortitude and willingness to walk through the fire in the first place. It’s going to take some work, some sweat and maybe some swearing here and there, but on the other side is the deepening we are seeking. Will we see it in a pose? Will we feel it inside our breath? Will we notice a shift in our thoughts? We certainly can, and if we don’t we go back and try again.
It’s ok to be uncomfortable. It’s going to be a part of our human experience. We’re definitely not going to get it right on the first try. But it’s important that we at least show up to give it a try.
I’ll see you on your mats.