More than Just Being

At this point in the process, we’ve likely created new regimens and ways of cultivating some level of consistency in our days. And yet, the yearning for some more familiar and comfortable routine persists. But how good for us were they, really?

Comfort is, well.... comfortable. And we sure do crave it. There are entire industries built on our reliance for things to make our lives easier. Or so we would believe. But this time has given us a reason to press pause: what do we *really* believe we need? If others’ experiences in this world are any indication, it shows us that we too can live with a lot less than we think. And it doesn’t necessarily mean we are less comfortable, we can just be comfortable with less. And in fact - we may have more, more of what we actually need. 


Could you list 2 or 3 or 10 for yourself? Would you write them down and look at it every day and remind yourself that this is not time wasted, but gained?

Admittedly our path is not going to be easy, but for most of us it hasn’t been that anyway regardless of what we have bought or been sold. What we no longer need is someone to tell us that it will be so. We know better. If our practice helps us to learn, let one of our lessons be that it takes some work to reap the reward. How much, and how bountiful is up to each of us. Let us dive in to our practices to uncover that which inspires us, moves us and keeps us from being OK with just being. I hope you’ll continue to join me on our journey. 

I’ll see you on your mat.