Your Roots, Our Connection

My roots are __________.


In Bowspring 

In community 

Within you..

Fill it in. What constitutes your roots? Add to it. How do encourage them to grow? Join in. How do we support others in connection? Our roots are more important than ever. As Bowspring practitioners, each of us can share an anecdote (or two or three!) that demonstrate the often profound impact that our practice has had in our lives, along with the challenges that accompany these transformations. It is by nurturing the relationship to our roots that we are able to remain steadfast and committed to our own paths of evolution, and support one another along our journey. Our roots are strong!

Our standing posture, the lightness of our movement and our ability to stay ready is a reflection of the work we have put in on our mats. To relearn the way in which we hold ourselves upright is no small task, as we have been in this physical relationship for a long time. From creating an awareness of how we place our feet to bucking modern postural alignment in the hips, our roots require constant attention. But as a result, we have become more sensitive to the forcefulness of our step or the heaviness of our gait. We have come to see that a passive stance is not one of empowerment. And that our roots enable us to dance with freedom as much as they do keep us steady. Our roots are nimble!

And so let us celebrate our roots by sharing what they mean to you! How our practice helps us to foster our richest and most unwavering bonds; in connection to ourselves, to one another and our communities. What keeps us walking the path. What keeps you coming back. Our roots are __________.

I’ll see all of you on our mats.